The Odysseus research project commenced in October 2015 and ended in September 2020. Indeed, this very website was initially developed to showcase that work. Below is a list of works published during the course of the project.

Journal Articles
Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., McEnteggart, C., & Harte, C. (2021). Back to the Future with an Up-dated Version of RFT: More Field than Frame? Brazilian Journal of Behavior Analysis. Click Here.
Bern, R., Persdotter, T., Harte, C., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2021). Relational coherence and persistent rule-following: The impact of targeting coherence in a ‘non-critical’ component of a relational network. The Psychological Record. Click Here.
Harte, C., Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & McEnteggart, C. (2021). Exploring the impact of coherence (through the presence versus absence of feedback) and levels of derivation on persistent rule-following. Learning and Behavior. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & McEnteggart, C. (in press). Updating RFT (more field than frame) and its implications for process-based therapy. The Psychological Record. Click Here.
Gomes, C., Perez, W., de Almeida, J., Ribeiro, A., de Rose, J., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2020). Assessing a derived transformation of functions using the implicit relational assessment procedure under three motivative conditions. The Psychological Record, 69, 487-497. Click Here.
Harte, C., Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y. & Kissi, A. (2020). The study of rule-governed behavior and derived stimulus relations: Bridging the gap. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 43, 361-385. Click Here.
Harte, C., Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., McEnteggart, C., Gys, J., & Hasler, C. (2020). The impact of coherence on persistent rule-following: The first study. Learning and Behavior. Click Here.
Kavanagh, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2020). The study of perspective-taking: Contributions from mainstream psychology and behavior analysis. The Psychological Record (Special Issue on Clinical Psychology and Behavior Science). Click Here.
Kissi, A., Harte, C., Hughes, S., De Houwer, J., & Crombez, G. (2020). The rule-based insensitivity effect: A systematic review. Peer J. Click Here.
Leech, A., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2020). Training and testing for a transformation of fear and avoidance functions via combinatorial entailment using the implicit relational assessment procedure (IRAP): Further exploratory analyses. Behavioural Processes.
Scanlon, G., McEnteggart, C., & Barnes-Holmes, Y. (2020). Attitudes to Pupils with EBD: An Implicit Approach. Journal of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 25(2), 111-124. Click Here.
Scanlon, G., Barnes-Holmes, Y, Shevlin, M, & McGuckan, C. (2020). Transitions for students with special educational needs: Implications for inclusion policy and practice. European Journal of Special Needs Education. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Stewart, I., & Parling, T. (2019). Introduction to the special issue on conceptual developments in relational frame theory: Background, content, and the challenge going forward. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (Special Section on “Conceptual Developments in Relational Frame Theory: Research and Practice”), 12, 355-357.Click Here.
Finn, M., Barnes-Holmes, D., & McEnteggart, C. (2019). Predicting and Influencing the Single Trial-Type Dominance Effect. The Psychological Record, 69(3), 425-435. Click Here.
Kavanagh, D., Roelandt, A., Van Raemdonck, L., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Barnes-Holmes, D., & McEnteggart, C. (2019). The On-going Search for Perspective-taking IRAPs: Exploring the Potential of the Natural Language IRAP. The Psychological Record, 69(2), 291-314. Click Here.
Kavanagh, D. Matthyssen, N., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Barnes-Holmes, D., McEnteggart, C., & Vastano. R. (2019). Exploring the use of pictures of self and other in the IRAP: Reflecting upon the emergence of differential trial type effects. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 19(3), 323-336. Click Here.
Murphy, C., Lyons, K., Kelly, M., Barnes-Holmes, Y, & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2019). Using the Teacher IRAP (T-IRAP) interactive computerized programme to teach complex flexible relational responding with children with diagnosed autism spectrum disorder. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12, 52–65. Click Here.
Perez, W. F., de Almeida, J. H., de Rose, J. C., Dorigon, A. H., de Vasconcellos, E. L. … Barnes-Holmes, D. (2019). Implicit and Explicit Measures of Transformation of Function from Facial Expressions of Fear and of Happiness via Equivalence Relations. The Psychological Record, 69(1), 13-24.Click Here.
Scanlon, G., McEnteggart, C., & Barnes-Holmes, Y. (2019). The Academic and Social Profiles of Pupils with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Mild General Learning Disability (MGLD) in Mainstream Education in the Republic of Ireland. Journal of Research in Special Education Needs. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, D. (2018). The Double Edged Sword of Human Language and Cognition: Shall We Be Olympians or Fallen Angels? Blog post for ABAI. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, D. (2018). A commentary on the student-supervisor relationship: A shared journey of discovery. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 11(2), 174-176.Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, Y., Barnes-Holmes, D., & McEnteggart, C. (2018). Narrative: Its importance in modern behavior analysis and therapy. Perspectives on Behavioral Science (Special Issue on Narrative), 41(2), 509-516. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, Y., Boorman, J., Oliver, J. E., Thompson, M., McEnteggart, C., & Coulter, C. (2018). Using conceptual developments in RFT to direct case formulation and clinical intervention: Two case summaries. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science (Special Section on “Conceptual Developments in Relational Frame Theory: Research and Practice”), 7, 89-96. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, D., Finn, M., McEnteggart, C., & Barnes-Holmes, Y. (2018). Derived stimulus relations and their role in a behavior-analytic account of human language and cognition. Perspectives on Behavioral Science (Special Issue on Derived Relations), 41(1), 155-173. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, Y., Kavanagh, D., Barnes-Holmes, D., Finn, M., Harte, C., Leech, A., & McEnteggart, C. (2018). Review: Mastering the clinical conversation: Language as Intervention, , Villatte, M., Villatte, J. L., & Hayes, S. C. (2015). The Psychological Record, 68(1), 107-111.Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, Y., Kavanagh, D., Barnes-Holmes, D., Finn, M., Harte, C., Leech, A., & McEnteggart, C. (2018). Reflecting on RFT and the reticulating strategy: A response to Villatte, Villatte, and Hayes. The Psychological Record, 68(1), 119-121. Click Here.
Critchfield, T. S., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Dougher, M. (2018). Editorial: What Sidman Did – Historical and Contemporary Significance of Research on Derived Stimulus Relations (Special Issue on Derived Relations), 41(1), 9-32. Click Here.
De Houwer, J., Hughes, S. J., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2018). Bridging the divide between functional and cognitive psychology. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 6(1), 47-50. Click Here.
De Schryver, M., Hussey, I., De Neve, J., Cartwright, A., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2018). The PI-IRAP: An alternative scoring algorithm for the IRAP using a probabilistic semiparametric effect size measure. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 7, 97-103. Click Here.
Dunne, C., McEnteggart, C., Harte, C., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Barnes-Holmes, Y. (2018). Faking a race IRAP effect in the context of single versus multiple label stimuli. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 18(3), 289-300.Click Here.
Finn, M., Barnes-Holmes, D., & McEnteggart, C. (2018). Exploring the single-trial-type-dominance-effect on the IRAP: Developing a differential arbitrarily applicable relational responding effects (DAARRE) model. The Psychological Record, 68(1), 11-25. Click Here.
Harte, C., Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & McEnteggart, C. (2018). The impact of high versus low levels of derivation for mutually and combinatorially entailed relations on persistent rule-following. Behavioural Processes, 157, 36-46. Click Here.
Hughes, S., Barnes-Holmes, D., Van Dessel, P., de Almedia, Stewart, I., & De Houwer, J. (2018). On the Symbolic Generalization of Likes and Dislikes. The Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 79, 365-377. Click Here.
Kavanagh, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Barnes-Holmes, D., McEnteggart, C., & Finn, M. (2018). Exploring differential trial-type effects and the impact of a read-aloud procedure on deictic relational responding on the IRAP. The Psychological Record, 68(2), 163-176. Click Here.
Leech, A., Bouyrden, J., Bruijsten, N., Barnes-Holmes, D., & McEnteggart, C. (2018). Training and Testing for a Transformation of Fear and Avoidance Functions using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure: The First Study. Behavioural Processes, 157, 24-35. Click Here.
McEnteggart, C. (2018). A Brief Tutorial on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as Seen through the Lens of Derived Stimulus Relations. Perspectives on Behavioral Science (Special Issue on Derived Relations), 41(1), 215-227. Click Here.
Wolgast, A., & Barnes-Holmes, Y. (2018). Social perspective taking and metacognition of children: A longitudinal view across the fifth grade of school. The Humanistic Psychologist, 46(1), 74-90. Click Here.
Wolgast, A., & Barnes-Holmes, Y., Hartmann, U., & Decristan, J. (2018). Interrelations between perspective-taking and reading experience: A longitudinal view of students in the fifth year of school. Psychology of Language and Communication, 22, 417-440. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Luciano. C., & McEnteggart, C. (2017). From the IRAP and REC model to a multi-dimensional multi-level framework for analyzing the dynamics of arbitrarily applicable relational responding. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 6(4), 434-445. Click Here.
Cagney, S., Harte, C., Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & McEnteggart, C. (2017). Response biases on the IRAP for adults and adolescents with respect to smokers and non-smokers: The impact of parental smoking status. The Psychological Record, 67(4), 473-483. Click here.
De Houwer, J., Hughes, S., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2017). Psychological engineering: A functional-cognitive perspective on applied psychology. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 6(1), 1-13. Click Here.
Edwards, D.J., McEnteggart, C., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Lowe, R., Evans, N. & Vilardaga, R. (2017). The impact of mindfulness and perspective-taking on implicit associations towards the elderly: A Relational Frame Theory account. Mindfulness, 8(6), 1615-1622. Click Here.
Harte, C., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Barnes-Holmes, D., & McEnteggart, C. (2017). Persistent rule-following in the face of reversed reinforcement contingencies: The differential impact of direct versus derived rules. Behavior Modification, 41(6), 743-763. Click here.
Hughes, S., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Smyth, S. (2017). Implicit Cross-Community Attitudes Revisited: Evidence for In-Group Favoritism but not for Out-Group Derogation in Northern Ireland. The Psychological Record, 67(1), 97-107. Click Here.
Kavanagh, D., Hussey, I., McEnteggart, C., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2017). Using the IRAP to explore natural language statements. Journal of Contextual Behaviour Science, 5(4), 247-251. Click Here.
Kent, G., Galvin, E., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Murphy, C., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2017). Relational responding: Testing, training, and sequencing effects among children with autism and typically developing children. Behavioral Development Bulletin, 22(1), 94. Click Here.
Kissi, A., Hughes, S., Mertens, G., Barnes-Holmes, D., De Houwer, J., & Crombez, G. (2017). A systematic review of pliance, tracking, and augmenting. Behavior Modification. Click Here.
Leech, A., Barnes-Holmes, D., & McEnteggart, C. (2017). Spider fear and avoidance: A preliminary study of the impact of two verbal rehearsal tasks on a behavior-behavior relation and its implications for an experimental analysis of defusion. The Psychological Record, 67, 387-398. Click Here.
McEnteggart, C., Barnes-Holmes, Y, Mellon, M., van Dongen, L., Hendriks, A., Barnes-Holmes, D., … , & Harte, C. (2017). Recommendations for using the IRAP with a medicated in-patient population with a diagnosis of psychosis. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 17(3), 317-325. Click Here.
McEnteggart, C., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Dillon, Egger. J., & Oliver, J. (2017). Hearing voices, dissociation and the self: A functional analytic perspective. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 18(4), 575-594. Click Here.
Murphy, C., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2017). Teaching Important Relational Skills for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability Using Freely Available (GO-IRAP) Software. Austin Journal of Autism and Related Disabilities, 3(2), 1041. Click Here.
Power, P.M., Harte, C., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Barnes-Holmes, Y. (2017). Combining the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure and the recording of event related potentials in the analysis of racial bias: A preliminary study. The Psychological Record, 67(4), 499-506. Click here.
Power, P.M., Harte, C., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Barnes-Holmes, Y. (2017). Exploring racial bias in a European country with a recent history of immigration of black Africans. The Psychological Record, 67(3), 365-375. Click here.
Stewart, C., Rogers, F., Pilch, M., Stewart, I., Barnes-Holmes, Y. & Westermann, S. (2017). The effect of social exclusion on state paranoia and explicit and implicit self-esteem in a non-clinical sample. Journal of Behavior Therapy & Experimental Psychiatry, 57, 62-69. Click Here.
Vastano, R., Finn, M., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2017). Functional Relations Modulate the Responsiveness to Affordances Despite the Impact of Conflicting Stimulus–Response Mappings. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(8), 1951. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01951.Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, D., & Hussey, I (2016). The functional-cognitive meta-theoretical framework: Reflections, possible clarifications and how to move forward. International Journal of Psychology, 15(1), 50-57. Click Here.
Bast, D. F., Linares, I, M, P, Gomes, C., Kovac, R., Barnes-Holmes, D. (2016). The implicit relational assessment procedure (IRAP) as a measure of self-forgiveness: The impact of a training history in clinical behavior analysis. The Psychological Record, 66(1), 177-190. Click Here.
De Houwer, J., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2016). Riding the waves: A functional-cognitive perspective on the relations among behaviour therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy. International Journal of Psychology, 51(1), 40–44. Click Here.
De Houwer, J., Hughes, S., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2016). Associative learning as higher order cognition: Learning in human and nonhuman animals from the perspective of propositional theories and relational frame theory. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 130(3), 215. Click Here.
Finn, M., Barnes-Holmes, D., Hussey, I., & Graddy, J. (2016). Exploring the Behavioral Dynamics of the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure: The Impact of Three Types of Introductory Rules. The Psychological Record, 66(2), 309-321.Click Here.
Hendriks, A., Barnes-Holmes, Y., McEnteggart, C., de Mey, H., Janssen, G., & Egger, J. (2016). Understanding and remediating social-cognitive dysfunctions in patients with serious mental illness using relational frame theory. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(43), 1-7. Click Here.
Hendriks, A., Barnes-Holmes, Y., McEnteggart, C., de Mey, H., Witteman, C., Janssen, G., & Egger, J. (2016). The relationship between theory of mind and relational frame theory: Convergence of perspective-taking measures. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 13(2), 17-23. Click Here.
Hughes, S., De Houwer, J., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2016) The Moderating Impact of Distal Regularities on the Effect of Stimulus Pairings. Experimental psychology 63(1), 20-44. Click Here.
Hughes, S., Hussey, I., Corrigan, B., Jolie, K., Murphy, C., & Barnes‐Holmes, D. (2016). Faking revisited: Exerting strategic control over performance on the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46(5), 632-648. Click Here.
Hussey, I., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Booth, R. (2016). Individuals with current suicidal ideation demonstrate implicit “fearlessness of death”. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 51, 1-9. Click Here.
Hussey, I., Mhaoileoin, D. N., Barnes-Holmes, D., Ohtsuki, T., Kishita, N., Hughes, S., & Murphy, C. (2016). The IRAP Is Nonrelative but not Acontextual: Changes to the Contrast Category Influence Men’s Dehumanization of Women. The Psychological Record, 66(2), 291-299. Click Here.
Leech, A., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Madden, L., (2016). Using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) As a Measure of Spider Fear, Avoidance and Approach. The Psychological Record, 66(3). Click Here.
McKenna, I., Hughes, S., Barnes-Holmes, D., De Schryver, M., Yoder, R., & O’Shea, D. (2016). Obesity, food restriction, and implicit attitudes to healthy and unhealthy foods: Lessons learned from the implicit relational assessment procedure. Appetite, 100, 41-54. Click Here.
Maloney, E., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2016). Exploring the Behavioral Dynamics of the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure: The Role of Relational Contextual Cues Versus Relational Coherence Indicators as Response Options. The Psychological Record, 66(3), 1-9. Click Here.
McEnteggart, C., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & Adekuoroye, F. (2016). The effects of a voice hearing simulation on implicit fear of voices. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 5(3), 154-159. Click Here.
McEnteggart, C., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2016). A pilot study of the relations within which hearing voices participates: Towards a functional distinction between voice hearers and controls. The Psychological Record, 66(4), 611-626. Click Here.
Scanlon, G., Barnes-Holmes, Y., McEnteggart, C., Desmond, D., & Vahey, N. (2016). The Experiences of Pupils with SEN and their Parents at the stage of Pre-Transition from Primary to Post-Primary School. European Journal of Special Education Needs, 31(1), 44-58. Click Here.
Timmins, L., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Cullen, C. (2016). Measuring implicit sexual response biases to nude male and female pictures in androphilic and gynephilic men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 45(4), 829-841. Click Here.
Biglan, A., & Barnes-Holmes, Y. (2015). Acting in light of the future: How do future-oriented cultural practices evolve and how can we accelerate their evolution? Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3, 184-195. Click Here.
Hussey, I., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Barnes-Holmes, Y. (2015). From Relational Frame Theory to implicit attitudes and back again: Clarifying the link between RFT and IRAP research. Current Opinion in Psychology, 2, 11-15. Click Here.
Hussey, I., Thompson, M., McEnteggart, C. Barnes-Holmes, D., & Barnes-Holmes, Y. (2015). Interpreting and inverting with less cursing: a guide to interpreting IRAP data. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4(3), 157-162. Click Here.
McEnteggart, C., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Hussey, I., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2015). The ties between a basic science of language and cognition and clinical applications. Current Opinion in Psychology, 2, 56-59. Click Here.
Moore, H., Stewart, I., Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y. & McGuire, B. (2015). Comparison of acceptance and distraction strategies in coping with experimentally induced pain. Journal of Pain Research, 8, 1-13. Click Here.
Edited Book Chapters
Barnes-Holmes, Y., McEnteggart, C., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (in press). Recent Conceptual and Empirical Advances in RFT: Implications for Developing Process-Based Assessments and Interventions for Human Psychological Suffering. In Levin, M. E., Twohig, P., & Krafft, J. (Eds.). Innovations in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. New Harbinger: Oakland, CA. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & McEnteggart, C. (in press). Learning, Language, and Derived Behaviors: Some Implications for a Process-based Approach to Psychological Suffering. In Hayes, S. C. & Hoffman, S. (Eds.). Beyond the DSM : Toward a Process-Based Alternative for Diagnosis and Mental Health Treatment. New Harbinger: Oakland, CA. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, D., Harte, C., & McEnteggart, C. (in press). Implicit cognition and social behaviour. In Rehfeldt, R. A., Tarbox, J., & Fryling, M. (Eds.) Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition. New Harbinger: Oakland, CA. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & McEnteggart, C. (in press). Symbolic thought and communication: An RFT perspective. In S. Hayes, D. S. Wilson, & A. Biglan (Eds.), Evolution and contextual behavioral science: A reunification. Oakland, CA: Context Press, New Harbinger. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, Y., Barnes-Holmes, D., & McEnteggart, C. (in press). Relational Frame Theory: Description, evidence, and clinical applications. In P. Lucena dos Santos, S. Carvalho, J. Pinto Gouveia, M. da Silva Oliveira, & J. Pistorello, (Eds). International ACT practical handbook. TBC: Reno, NV. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, D.,Barnes-Holmes, Y., Hussey, I., & Luciano, C. (2016). Relational frame theory: Finding its historical and philosophical roots and reflecting upon its future development: An introduction to part II. In R. D. Zettle, S. C. Hayes, D. Barnes-Holmes, & A. Biglan (Eds), The Wiley handbook of contextual behavioral science (pp. 117-128), West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, Y., Hussey, I., McEnteggart, C., Barnes-Holmes, D.,& Foody, M. (2016). Scientific ambition: The relationship between relational frame theory and middle-level terms in acceptance and commitment therapy. In R. D. Zettle, S. C. Hayes, D. Barnes-Holmes, & A. Biglan (Eds), The Wiley handbook of contextual behavioral science (pp. 365-882), West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, Y., Kavanagh, D., & Murphy, C. (2016). Development and education. In S. Hayes, D. Barnes-Holmes, R. Zettle, and T. Biglan (Eds.), The Wiley handbook of contextual behavioral science. West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Click Here.
Biglan, A., Zettle, R. D., Hayes, S. C., & Barnes-Holmes, D.(2016). The future of the human sciences and society. In R. D. Zettle, S. C. Hayes, D. Barnes-Holmes, & A. Biglan (Eds), The Wiley handbook of contextual behavioral science (pp. 531-540), West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Click Here.
De Houwer, J., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Barnes-Holmes, Y. (in press). What is cognition? A functional-cognitive perspective. In S.C. Hayes & S. Hoffman, (Eds). Core processes of cognitive behavioral therapies. Elsevier. Click Here.
Hayes, S. C., Zettle, R. D., Barnes-Holmes, D.,& Biglan, A. (2016). Examining the partially completed crossword puzzle: The nature and status of contextual behavioral science. In R. D. Zettle, S. C. Hayes, D. Barnes-Holmes, & A. Biglan (Eds), The Wiley handbook of contextual behavioral science (pp. 1-6), West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Click Here.
Hughes, S. & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2016). Relational frame theory: The basic account. In R. D. Zettle, S. C. Hayes, D. Barnes-Holmes, & A. Biglan (Eds), The Wiley handbook of contextual behavioral science (pp. 129-178), West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Click Here.
Hughes, S. & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2016). Relational frame theory: Implications for the study of human language and cognition. In R. D. Zettle, S. C. Hayes, D. Barnes-Holmes, & A. Biglan (Eds), The Wiley handbook of contextual behavioral science (pp. 179-226), West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Click Here.
Törneke, N., Luciano, C., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & Bond, F. (2016). Core strategies in psychological treatment: An RFT perspective. In S. Hayes, D. Barnes-Holmes, R. Zettle, and T. Biglan (Eds.), The Wiley handbook of contextual behavioral science. West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Click Here.
Barnes-Holmes, Y. & McEnteggart, C. (2015). Behaviour Analysis and the treatment of human psychological suffering. In Roane, H., Ringdahl, J., & Falcomata, T. (Eds.). Clinical and Organizational Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis (pp. 451-475). Elsevier: London. Click Here.
Edited Volumes
Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., McEnteggart, C., & Dougher, I. (in preparation). Special Issue on Clinical Behavior Analysis: 20 Years On in The Psychological Record.
Scanlon, G., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Shevlin, M., & McGuckin. C (2019). Transition for pupils with Special Educational Needs: Implications for Inclusion Practice and Policy. Peter Lang: London. Click Here.
Critchfield, T., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Dougher, M. (2018). Special Issue on Emergent behaviors: Theory, Research and Practice. Perspectives on Behavioral Science.
Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Stewart, I. & Parling, T. (2018). Special Issue on New Conceptual Developments in RFT. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science.
Zettle, R. D., Hayes, S. C., Barnes-Holmes, & Biglan, A. (2016), The Wiley handbook of contextual behavioral science. West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.