Title: Updating Relational Frame Theory and Increasing its Utility in Applied Behavior Analyses of Human Language and Cognition
Relational frame theory (RFT) is a behaviour-analytic account of human language and cognition which in recent years has experienced a period of intense conceptual and empirical development. The overarching aim of the current workshop is to summarise these recent developments in RFT and how they could translate into potential advances in applied behaviour analyses, particularly in understanding and treating language and cognitive deficits/developmental delays. The workshop will be built around a new RFT framework for conceptualising many of the key ‘behavioural units’ of human verbal behaviour. A blend of lecturing, video material, examples of teaching programmes, and group-based practical exercises will be utilised. PowerPoint slides and related materials will be made freely available to participants as well as free access to supporting software related to workshop content. Many additional readings will also be made available via an open access website. At the end of the workshop attendees should be in a position to utilise this new framework in their own applied environments.
To download the slides from this workshop, click here.
To download the the sample evaluation forms used for coordination and comparison, click here and here, respectively.
1 Comment
Expanding Horizons: How Staying Connected with Developments in Behavior Analysis Transformed My Therapeutic Approach to Autistic Children – BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS BLOGS · November 23, 2023 at 11:28 am
[…] which the framework might be usefully employed as an assessment and intervention tool more broadly (click here for a pdf presentation of a workshop we gave in ABAI a couple of years ago presenting some of our […]
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